Financing Available: Payments of $99/month pending credit approval. Learn More
Dog Guard of Louisiana Serving all of Louisiana and Southern Mississippi.
Locally owned and operated, Dog Guard Out of Sight Fencing offers peace of mind for you and safety for your pet.
We offer a veterinarian tested, approved and recommended system that can be used to safely and effectively keep your dog in your yard, on your property and out of your garden, pool or others areas you wish to keep pet-free.
(337) 362-4364 (Southwest Louisiana)
(985) 859-0301 (Southeast Louisiana)
(225) 208-2747 (Baton Rouge)
(318) 202-2422 (North Louisiana)
“This was a great choice for my family. Now I can let me fur baby out to potty without having to stand watch over her. She knows how far she can go without getting shocked. I take the collar off and only use it when I see she starts to go closer to the boundaries. Great service.”
“Highly recommended for especially large dogs. We’ve been having one for years and I’m very confident of this product as my dog has never gotten out of our yard.”
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